His Parents named him Mister...Mister Smith. He lived up the street in a house with exactly 2 windows. One in the Office and one in his bedroom. The shades drawn half in each, the house resembled a face bursting with boredom.
Mister had a daily routine. And it was posted neatly beside his bed.
1. Wake
2. Eat (M,W,F: eggs / T,TH,Sat: Ceral / Sun: English muffin with jam)
3. Vaccuum
4. Ride
5. Work
6. Sleep
Sundays were special. No work meant he devoted 2 hours after his ride to reading. Always the first part of the same book. He would see if he could get any further each time. But to no avail. He lives for sundays. Nothing else.
Mister had a daily routine. And it was posted neatly beside his bed.
1. Wake
2. Eat (M,W,F: eggs / T,TH,Sat: Ceral / Sun: English muffin with jam)
3. Vaccuum
4. Ride
5. Work
6. Sleep
Sundays were special. No work meant he devoted 2 hours after his ride to reading. Always the first part of the same book. He would see if he could get any further each time. But to no avail. He lives for sundays. Nothing else.