Thursday, February 24, 2005


I was up until 3am last night losing ten dollars to my good pal Rob. He makes us all think he doesn't know how to play and then as soon as we throw down the big bucks, he swoops down and takes the win. WTF Rob? That was fun. Kieth, your apartment rocks, seriously. After we played, I came home and listened to my new cds. That was way cool, Ive been patiently waiting for this cd to come out and it finally has. I need an iPod for my 17 hour plane flight to Australia. Im going in 3 weeks. Dont forget to ask for work off. Supposed to go sailing this weekend out to the islands for some kyaking and surfing and diving but I am stuck, I dont know if I should call in sick because I need to ask for 6 days vacation in 3 weeks and I took a day off a while ago for sailing. Ack! I'm probably going to work. Its payday anyways so it wont be too bad. I have nothing good to write about. Nobody will read my banter. But I write for me. To keep a timeline of events, a log of my past and so far its been ok. Peace out!

Saturday, February 19, 2005


Saturday Morning: I just write for the next couple of minutes. Maybe something will come out. Last night was fun, played some poker with Kyle, ate some good pie, and watched some good tv. Pretty pathetic for a Friday night. But only from a certain point of view. Right now my life is great. I have a few good friends, and a job and school. I dont need much else. The only thing that would be nice at least for change's sake, would be a girl. "Oh great, here comes the sappy self pity." Well, not so much. It seems, that I have lived my whole life, with few exceptions, relatively alone. By that I mean without a soulmate. Someone with whom I can share everything, my emotions, my experiences, my ideas, my whole self. Up until recently, I have been so content by myself that I only longed for a physical relationship...Even those, more often then not, found me, not the other way around (i think that was too many commas). But recently, I fell the need for true companionship. Like I am not complete without her. Who knows? I am too picky. I find the perfect girl only after someone else (usually the "perfect guy") has. I keep on keepin' on. -Brian
Posted by Hello

Thursday, February 17, 2005


It is my new goal in life, and allow me to express it here, to abandon the warm comfort of my current depressing mediocrity and chose to accel in life. I say this periodically because I feel that I do not live it up. Honestly, and stop me if I'm wrong, I think that that is a load of shit and all I do is say it. Where is the action, where is the desire? Maybe it is my life goal to be exceptionally normal. I mean seriously, what is so bad about that? Or maybe, it is my annoying complaining about my complaining that truly makes me me. Who really knows? Either way, i am given many opportunities in life that others don't get. and i should be grateful rather than unsatisfied. I am going to devote more time to studying for physics and math because I think that those two areas deserve a bit more attention. History can suck it! Perhaps if i am passionate about something I could meet someone who shares my same devotion or who at least is interesting, or at least has the required genetalia. No really journal, I crack myself up!

Good Picture

I got kind of creative with this one

Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Death is an interesting subject. It must be the only event in life that all creatures share. Being so common would make it a very easy thing to speak of but its not. In fact, the subject is dreaded in conversation, often creating awkward moments and embarrassing apologies. "Oh, I'm so sorry" she said sympathetically. If only my grandad could come back and tell me all about the adventures he is having right now. where you go, what there is to do there, is it a new plain of existence or simply another aspect of the old one? Do you feel better? Do you feel at all? Does time exist or are you floating in blissful eternity? These are all the easy questions to ask. What if when you die, thats it. Dead. I hate to think about death like that but it is the easiest to imagine. The hardest at the same time. Nobody knows what it is like to not exist. It is unimaginable. Does that deem it impossible? My Philosophy teacher allowed anything to be logically possible if it is remotely imaginable. So if a lack of existence is not imaginable, is it impossible? Interesting. I am home alone right now, and for the next few days because my father's father passed away recently. He was an excelent man and very nice. Very knowlegable and proper. If I could strive to live half the life he did, I would be successful in all that I do. I miss him. Wierd how you can talk to a person one day and just a week later, you can never see him again.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Attempt number 2

Ok, my life as of this moment consists of school, work, a few friends, and my trusty gmail account. I am trying to get some decent substance out of this post but I'm not sure how it will end up.

Yesterday was Valentine's day, went and saw Hitch (new will smith chick flick) good movie, a little slow but all in all pretty good. Anyways it was me, kyle, seychelle (kyle's girlfriend), shauna (seychelle's friend and apparently uninterested in me although I'm not too sure how interested I am in her, but I digress), and my good pal Steven. Needless to say, rather uneventful, fun nonetheless. I have to write a paper on the Boston Massacre tonight so I'd better get crackin.